March 18, 2013


Greetings everyone! I am Megan, and I was born and raised in Orange County, CA. In June of 2012 I got to marry the most wonderful man I know, and moved to San Diego, CA.

I am a cradle Catholic. Throughout my childhood and early teen years the extent of my faith was going to church on Sundays and praying before meals. I only turned to God when I wanted something. This became a problem as I entered into middle school and high school. I got very caught up in worldly things that I lost sight who I really was. 

I was very fortunate though to be a part of an incredible youth ministry program. My youth minister had a gift in loving people and seeing others the way Christ does. She saw beyond my sins, she saw beyond my mistakes, she saw my heart and went with that. Through her love I felt the love of God for the first time in my life, and realized God could use me. The more I said "Yes" to God and let go of secular things, I found myself doing the impossible.

One thing in particular was public speaking. I begin speaking to the teens at my parish and then throughout the Diocese. I became very passionate about the topic of chastity and the dignity of women. It amazes me how many women do NOT know their worth.

This blog is to inspire and encourage women of all ages to know who God truly made women to be. We are GOOD enough. Not only are we good enough, but the beauty that we each bear is a true and perfect creation of God. You are A BEAUTY TO BE UNVEILED :)


  1. Love this!! So happy you are sharing some of your gifts via blogging!! You are amazing!

    1. Thank you for your encouragement! You are SO sweet! :)
      PS You are amazing!

  2. So glad to see you blogging again! Love your new posts!

    1. Thank YOU for the encouragement! I really appreciate it! :)
